18 Best Mood Tracker Apps to Manage Your Health and Wellness

By Matt RedererUpdated on March 10, 2022

As we go about our everyday lives, we’re prone to experience different moods throughout the day. While it’s normal to experience a wide range of emotions from time to time, it should be noted when our experiences tend to, more often than not, be on the negative side. If that’s the case for you, you might be wondering how you can work towards becoming happier.

Mood tracker apps are able to provide us with a lot more information than you might have realized. More and more of these apps are being released and improved to help users document their thoughts and feelings and determine the causes of their most commonly felt emotions (it’s no wonder they’ve found themselves among some of the best mental health apps). Whether you want to better understand your daily moods, or figure out the formula for living your best life, there are plenty of apps to track your mood out there.

Keep scrolling to learn about all the different apps available for mood tracking. There are also apps designed specifically for managing depression as well.

Best 18 mood tracker apps to help manage your daily thoughts and feelings

Sometimes thoughts and feelings come and go without a second thought, but the way you feel throughout the day can say more about your mental health than you might realize. If you want to take charge of your emotional health, these are some of the best mood tracker apps to help get you started.

And remember, if your mood is ever really weighing on you, there’s plenty of great chat apps to help you talk to other people, too.

1. Daylio

Daylio home screen

Download It Now: Android | iOS

Cost: Free, premium features available for $3.99/month or $29.99/year

Daylio is an app for tracking mood that aims to help users build better habits. The simple design allows you to easily record your daily mood as well as the activities you did that day with the option of writing a journal entry. The app uses this information to help you identify patterns and learn how to increase your productivity and live a healthier lifestyle.

2. eMoods

eMoods mood logging screen

Download It Now: Android | iOS

Cost: Free, in-app purchases

eMoods allows users to easily track their moods and what might be causing them. The app utilizes insights to determine the external factors that might be triggering your moods, such as the weather or hour of the day. It’s even designed so that your data can easily be shared with your doctor and family members.

3. MoodKit

MoodKit activities screen

Download It Now: iOS

Cost: $4.99

MoodKit is a mood tracker app designed to help users track their daily moods and learn how to improve their emotions. The app allows you to easily record your feelings and view patterns overtime. It also includes a journal and mood-enhancing activities to help you feel better.

4. iMoodJournal

iMoodJournal mood capture screen

Download It Now: Android | iOS

Cost: $2.99

iMoodJournal utilizes mood tracking and journaling to help users identify the causes of their mood. It allows you to easily record various factors, including mood, symptoms, sleep, energy, medications, and more. The app generates data to allow you to identify patterns and eliminate stress from your life.

5. CBT Thought Diary

CBT Thought Diary home screen

Download It Now: Android | iOS

Cost: Free, Pro Mode available for $4.99/month or $29.99/year

CBT Thought Diary allows users to record their thoughts wherever and whenever and use their entries to assist themselves on the road to recovery. The app is designed to allow users to document their thoughts and easily evaluate their thinking patterns. This will help users to identify positive methods of thinking.

6. Reflectly

Reflectly mood logging screen

Download It Now: Android | iOS

Cost: Free, premium features available for $9.99/month, $35.99/year, or $399.99 lifetime

Reflectly is a habit and mood tracker app in the form of an AI journal that allows users to easily record their daily thoughts and feelings. Each day, users can easily scale their overall mood and details about the events of the day. The app will use the journal entries to help users practice positive psychology and work towards feeling better.

7. T2 Mood Tracker

T2 Mood Tracker anxiety levels logging screen

Download It Now: Android | iOS

Cost: Free

T2 Mood Tracker is a free mood tracker app designed to help users manage their moods by making use of scales. These scales help users indicate their mood in relation to various mental health conditions. Their ratings on the scales will be displayed on graphs so that their mood can be tracked and easily shared with their health care provider.

8. Moody

Mood daily details screen

Download It Now: iOS

Cost: Free trial, afterward $3.99/month or $18.99/year

Moody allows users to track a wide range of information with very little effort. This mood tracking app only requires a few taps to log your current thoughts, feelings, activities, and mood triggers. The app will use this info to generate a summary of your patterns over time, making it a great app to track your mood.

9. Moods: Mental Health Tracking

Moods home screen

Download It Now: iOS

Cost: Free

Moods is one of the best free mood tracker apps that helps users manage their feelings. The app has a simple design that allows you to indicate your general mood, and then expand your daily entries to include the different emotions you felt. It easily tracks your moods to allow you to see your progress over time.

10. Moodfit

Moodfit home screen

Download It Now: Android | iOS

Cost: Free, premium options available

Moodfit is a mood tracker app that allows users to easily track their mood and make discoveries. The app helps users identify what might be leading to their moods, such as sleep, exercise, medications, etc. It also includes grounding techniques and mindfulness tools to help users feel better.

11. Moodpath

Moodpath journal overview

Download It Now: Android | iOS

Cost: Free, premium subscriptions available

Moodpath is an app for tracking mood that acts as an aid for those struggling with their thoughts and feelings. The app allows you to record the thoughts, emotions, and feelings you experience and will provide you with an overview of your experiences. It will then provide you with personalized guides that will help you reflect and make positive changes.

12. Moodnotes

Moodnotes timeline screen

Download It Now: iOS

Cost: Free, premium features available

Moodnotes allows users to easily take control of their mood, and easily track daily mood and view patterns over time. It also equips you with the tools to avoid thinking traps and work towards having a more positive perspective.

13. MyMoodTracker

MyMoodTracker history chart

Download It Now: iOS

Cost: $9.99

MyMoodTracker is an easy-to-use app that helps users make discoveries from their daily moods. The app allows you to record your mood throughout the day and attribute different causes. It creates charts from your data that will allow you to discover patterns and make changes for the better.

14. UP!

UP! mood logging screen

Download It Now: Android

Cost: Free, in-app purchases

UP! is an easy-to-use habit and mood tracker app that helps users record their daily emotions and tasks whenever and wherever. The app utilizes technology to help users determine whether they’re experiencing a bad mood or early signs of mental illness. It also includes educational guides to help them better understand their experiences.

15. RealifeChange

RealLifeChange Life Flow screen

Download It Now: iOS

Cost: Free, Life Autofocus options available from $2.99/week to $79.99/year

RealifeChange is an app designed to track your daily experiences with many details. The app will ask you to record various aspects including your moods, social interactions, choices, discoveries, and emotions, helping paint a full picture of your mental health. The app will use this info to provide you with guidance on how to improve your life.

16. Therapy Buddy

Therapy Buddy home screen

Download It Now: Android | iOS

Cost: Free

Restriction: Thriveworks patients only

Therapy Buddy is a tracker designed to let users easily record thoughts and feelings from their previous therapy sessions. The app is equipped with tools to audio record therapy sessions, and then journal your takeaways afterward. It also includes reminders and other features to help you prepare for future appointments.

17. MyTherapy

MyTherapy Treatment screen

Download It Now: Android | iOS

Cost: Free

MyTherapy is a mood and medication tracker app that empowers users to maintain success on the road to recovery. The app will remind users when to take their medication, and is equipped with the tracking tools to provide a detailed glimpse into your progress. Your results can easily be shared with your doctor to properly evaluate the success of your current treatment.

18. ReWi

ReWi home screen

Download It Now: Android | iOS

Cost: Free

Created by Yale University as a feature of their Science of Well-Being course, ReWi educates users about eight activities that promote well-being. They are sleep, exercise, meditation, goal setting, gratitude, kindness, social connection, and savoring. Users can track whenever they complete these activities and see how regular activity improves their mood for the better.

That’s our list of the best mood tracker apps! We hope that you’ll be able to make use of whichever one is most beneficial to your needs. Go ahead and download one or more now, and you might be surprised what you learn about yourself. See our list of meditation and wellness apps as well, to help improve your overall well-being.

And remember: if you or someone you know is in crisis, call 911 immediately or go to your nearest emergency department.