How to Record or Change Your Voicemail Greeting on iPhone

By Jessica RegheliniUpdated on June 10, 2018

Want to change up your voicemail greeting? Thinking about switching from a default outgoing message to a personalized one? If so, we can help you out. This tutorial will go through the steps of how to record or change your voicemail on iPhone.

To change your voicemail message on iPhone:

1. On your home screen, tap Phone.

Tap the Phone icon on your home screen to launch your device’s phone calling app.

Phone app icon

2. At the bottom, tap Voicemail on the menu bar.

You will see a menu bar appear at the bottom of your screen. Tap Voicemail in the bottom right corner.

Voicemail option on menu

3. Tap Greeting in the top left corner of your screen.

In the top left corner, tap Greeting to edit or change your outgoing voice message.

Tap Greeting button

4. Tap Custom if you want to record a custom greeting.

To record a personalized message, tap Custom. This will give you options to record a new one.

Tap Custom to create a personalized greeting

5. To record a new greeting, tap Record. Tap Play to listen to it.

Now you can record your new personalized outgoing message. To begin, tap Record. To listen to your recording, tap Play.

Record and Play button

6. Lastly, tap Save in the top right corner.

When you’ve finished recording and are satisfied with your new greeting, tap Save in the top right corner of your screen.

Save button

That’s all you need to do to record voicemail greetings on your iPhone. There are a few other things we think you should keep in mind when recording a new outgoing message, so we’re going to cover those things next.

Notes on recording a new voicemail greeting

1. Before you start recording a new greeting, make sure you’re in a good place to create an audio recording.

To ensure that your greeting sounds as good as it possibly can, make sure you’re in a good place to record it. Wind, fans, and other background noise can affect the quality of your recording. Try to get to a quiet room where you can record your outgoing message without any interference.

2. To make sure your new greeting was set up properly, try calling yourself on a different phone to check it out.

Call your phone number from a different phone and listen to your new message to make sure it was all set up properly. This will allow you to see what your recording sounds like to others.

3. Remember that you can change up your voicemail greeting at any time.

If you ever get tired of your outgoing message, you can change it if you like. Using the instructions above, you can change it up whenever you’d like.

That wraps up this article about recording or changing your voicemail greeting on your iPhone. If you haven’t set up your inbox yet and would like to learn how, click here. Also be sure to check out our next tutorial to learn how to check your voice messages.