If you only use your Craigslist account periodically, you might forget your password for it. That’s okay; it happens to the best of us. It also might happen that someone finds a way into your account and uses it without your permission, though that’s rare and we really hope that it doesn’t happen to you. In either case, you should reset the password on your Craigslist account. Here’s how to do it.
1. Go to www.craigslist.org in your web browser (which will take you to the sub-site for your local city or region). Click My Account.
2. Under “Log Into Your Craigslist Account”, click Forgot Password?
3. Craigslist will now ask you to type in the email address associated with the account that you wish to reset the password for. Click in the box labelled “Email” and type in the email address that you used to sign up for Craigslist. Then click Reset Password.
4. Craigslist will notify you that it has sent you an email with a hyperlink that will let you reset your password. Go to your email client and log in, and then open the email from Craigslist titled “Craigslist.org: Request to Reset Account Password for [Your email address]”. Click the second blue hyperlink (the first one should be your email address).
5. You will be taken to a screen where you can reset your password. Click in the box labelled “New Password” and type in a new password that you’d like to use for your Craigslist account. Then click in the box labelled “Re-Type New Password” and type in a copy of that password. Finally, click Change Password.
6. You will see the screen below if you successfully reset your password. Click Go To My Account Home Page to go back to your Craigslist account.
There! Your Craigslist account is once again accessible, and has a new password protecting it. If you need help remembering your passwords in the future, consider reading our How to Manage Passwords tutorial.