This web browser was created by the Mozilla Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping create an Internet that everyone can — and is allowed to — access and contribute to the growth of through innovating new and better online experiences. Created in 2004, it enjoyed moderate success that peaked around 2010, but its popularity has been slowly declining recently. It is most popular in Southeast Asia, though it also has strong followings in some countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Caribbean.
This web browser was created in 2008 by Internet mega-corporation Google. Its popularity skyrocketed over the next few years, and it is now currently the most used web browser in the world. Part of its popularity comes from the fact that it’s an “open-source” browser, so people can look inside it and see how it works.
This web browser by Microsoft was one of the first popular and commercially-available ones, besides Mosaic and Netscape Navigator. It comes pre-installed on many devices that use the Windows operating system. Created in 1995, it has seen its popularity decline considerably within the last 5 years or so, though it is still popular in Eastern Asia. Microsoft has announced that it will replace Internet Explorer with a new service called “Edge”, which will be released alongside the Windows 10 operating system in July 2015.
This web browser was created in 2003 and comes pre-installed on many Apple devices. It has traditionally not been very popular, but its use has steadily been increasing over the past 5 years or so, to the point where it is supposedly more popular than Firefox now.
Another early web browser that debuted in 1996, Opera hasn’t been all that popular throughout its lifespan. However, it has produced some innovative features that other more widely-used browsers have adopted, such as allowing a user to begin their browsing session by choosing from a list of websites that they most frequently visit (known as the “Speed Dialing” feature). Opera is mostly used in Africa.