Are you looking for a product in a certain colour or material? Or maybe something in a specific price range? Or an item that you can have shipped for free? Alibaba has several convenient search features that will help you filter through the selection until you find the perfect product for you.
Looking to sell instead? You can sign up to be a product supplier on Alibaba. Build your company profile, list and sort your products, and keep in touch with clients and partners without clogging up your personal email inbox. If you buy an upgraded Gold Supplier account, you can even create your own mini-website on Alibaba, and create “showcases” to put your products in front of more potential buyers, more often!
Throughout our course on Alibaba, we’ll show you how to buy or sell on the platform, as well as providing you some safety tips for doing so. Remember, Alibaba is one of the largest portals in the world for buying or selling wholesale goods, so if you need to purchase it or move it in bulk, consider choosing Alibaba!