The thoughts that you put on your Tumblr blog(s) are yours, so you don't really want people messing with them. This is especially true if you've made your blogs private. You also probably don't want someone using your account to buy themes excessively, much less get a hold of your personal or financial information.
Having a good password protecting your Tumblr account is a key security measure that you can take to prevent this. If you need some tips on how to come up with a good password, see our How to Make a Strong Password tutorial.
Can you figure out the process from that list? Great! If not, don't worry; we won't leave you hanging. Below is a complete walkthrough of how to get your Tumblr password changed, with pictures and everything.
1. Open your web browser, go to, and log in.
2. From your dashboard, click the Account icon in the top-right corner, and then click Settings in the drop-down menu that appears.
3. Click the pencil icon beside "Password".
4. Click in the box labelled "Current Password" and type in the password that you are currently using to secure your Tumblr account. Then, click in the box labelled "New Password" and type in the password that you would like to use to secure your Tumblr account from now on. When you're done, click Save. Or, click Cancel if you change your mind and don't want to change your password after all.
That's all there is to changing your Tumblr password!
If you've instead forgotten the password to your Tumblr account and can't log in, head on over to our tutorial on how to reset your Tumblr password.