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Google Voice not meeting your verbal communication needs? Did you perhaps want to try a different service like it? Well, we have bad news and good news. The bad news is that you can’t remove your Google Voice account without closing your entire Google account. However, the good news is that you can stop using it by cancelling your Google Voice number and disabling voicemail forwarding to it. This tutorial will show you how to do that.
A few notes before deleting your Google Voice account number:
Open your web browser of choice, navigate to, and log into your account.
Click the three bars in the top-left corner of the main page; this is the Main Menu button.
When the main menu pane opens, click Settings.
(Image source: Zubair Alexander)
You should automatically be taken to the Phones section of the “Settings” menu (click it in this menu if you aren’t). Underneath your Google Voice number, click Delete.
(Image source: Zubair Alexander)
You will be taken to the legacy version of Google Voice. Once again, click Delete beside your Google Voice number.
(Image source: Zubair Alexander)
A pop-up box will appear that will inform you of the consequences of deleting your Google Voice number. If you’re okay with this information and are sure you want to get rid of your number, click Proceed.
(Image source: Zubair Alexander)
Once your Google Voice number is cancelled, you can’t get a new one for 90 days. However, within that same time period, you can reclaim your old number if you wish. If you don’t, another person is free to claim the number for themselves.
Open your preferred web browser and visit When you are asked to log into your account, do so.
In the top-left corner of your main screen, click the Main Menu button to open it.
Click Legacy Google Voice in the main menu pane to go back to the old version of Google Voice.
In the left-hand pane, you should see your deleted Google Voice number below Get Your Old Number Back. Click this.
(Image source: Zubair Alexander)
Now you’ll have to link a mobile phone number back to your Google Voice number and verify it.
That’s the best advice we can give you for how to remove your Google Voice account from operation. Hopefully, in the meantime, you’ll find a similar product that serves you better!