Is Pinterest Free for People and Businesses?

By Corbin HartwickUpdated on August 19, 2024

One of the first things that you're probably going to want to know about is: do I have to pay money to use the website? Well, there are two types of accounts: personal accounts and business accounts. Let's have a look at each of them. What? You want an answer right now? Okay…

How much does Pinterest cost?

Pinterest is free to use for both individual people and businesses. If you have a personal account, it won't cost you anything to sign up, nor does it cost money to use any of the website’s functions. A business account, which includes special promotion and analytics functions, is free as well.

If you want a little more information, read below to learn about the different types of accounts you can sign up for.

Types of Pinterest accounts

Personal accounts

If you're just an individual person signing up, it won't cost you money to use. It's free for you to:

  • Create pages of visual bookmarks (called "boards")
  • Upload images, videos, links, and more to your boards (known as "pinning")
  • Sort your boards and pins
  • Pin content on the Internet or from other people's boards onto your own boards
  • Send one of your pins to another person's board, social media account, email, etc.

Business accounts

Businesses can create accounts, too. In addition to the usual functions, businesses can:

  • Place links on their website to take people to their page on Pinterest
  • See how many people visit their Pinterest page, and what they're looking at the most
  • Use "Rich Pins" to let users do special stuff with the content on your website or page

So, how much do these extra goodies cost businesses to use? Surprisingly, the answer is: ZERO! That's right, whether you're looking to use Pinterest to promote your business or just for your own amusement, it's absolutely free!

"But, wait!" you might say. "If nobody pays any money to use it, then how do they make any money?" That's a bit of a complicated question, and one that we'll cover in a future guide. But if you’re interested in Pinterest, you’d better first check out our guide about how to stay safe while using it.