3. Once you’re in the “Ebooks” section, you can click the “Sort By” menu to sort available e-books by how often they’re downloaded or how generally popular they are, which ones you can read for free and which ones you have to buy, the price of purchasable e-books, or which ones have been recently added. (HINT: try the Readable option to find ones that you can read for free.)
You can also click in the search bar on the right-hand side (labelled as “Search by Title or Author”) and type in an e-book that you’re looking for based on its name or its author’s name. Then click Find eBooks.
When you find a book that you want to read, click Read Book to start reading it.
4. This will open a new window where you can read the e-book. Each chapter or section of the book displays on the same page, so just scroll down to read more of that section or chapter. We’ve highlighted the controls with red numbers; the corresponding captions below the screenshot will tell you what they do.
There are some e-books on Goodreads that you will need to purchase in order to read them. You will recognize them by the fact that their Read eBook buttons have money amounts beside them. Don’t worry; clicking one of these buttons won’t make you immediately buy the book. It will just take you to a preview of that book.
You can read a short excerpt from the book, and once you are done, you can click Buy eBook if you want to purchase it and read the rest.
You will be taken to a screen where you can input your billing information.
Click in the appropriate boxes or drop-down menus and enter:
Once you have all of this filled out, click Purchase. Your credit card will be immediately charged.
Now, not only can you read this e-book on Goodreads, but you can also download an “ePub” version of the file and read it on your computer with something like Adobe Digital Editions (click this link and follow the instructions to download this electronic reading program), or on your mobile device with a similar program!
There you go! Now you know how to read books on Goodreads!