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It happens to the best of us. You try and try, but you can’t seem to remember the password for your account on Or wait… what if your password is right, and someone else has used your account and changed it on you?
Hopefully, the latter situation will never happen to you (and it very rarely does in general). But in either case, here’s how to reset your password if you need to get back into your account.
1. Go to in your web browser and click Member Sign In.
2. On the next screen, click Forgot Your Password?
3. Click in the box labelled “Match Account Email” and type in the email address that you used to sign up for Match. Then click Send Email.
4. Log into your email client and open the email from Match titled “Reset Your Password”. Click the Reset Password button.
5. This will take you to a screen where you can reset your password. Click in the box labelled “Enter New Password” and type in a new password that you’d like to use. (If you need help coming up with a strong one, see our How to Make a Strong Password tutorial.) Then click in the box labelled “Re-Type New Password” and type in a copy of the password you just entered. Finally, click Reset Password.
There you go! Your account has a new password, and you can use it again! If you need some help remembering your passwords in the future, consider using a password manager program. This tutorial on Techboomers will show you what that’s all about!