How to Sell Tickets on StubHub

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Okay, so we’ve shown you how to buy tickets on StubHub for an event that you want to go to. But what if you get tickets to an event — say, as a prize or a gift — and you can’t make it to the event (or just don’t want to go)? Assuming that you don’t have any close friends whom you know would like to attend the event, here’s how to turn those unwanted tickets into cash by selling them on StubHub.

Oh, and did we mention that listing tickets for sale on StubHub is absolutely free? Because it is! Although, do note that StubHub will take a commission off of your ticket sale; that’s how they make money. Several other websites also allow you to re-sell tickets.

To sell tickets on StubHub:

1. Create a StubHub account (if you haven’t already) and log into it.

If you don’t already have a StubHub account, or need to remember how to log into one, see steps 1 and 2 (respectively) in this this tutorial.

2. Search for an event that you want to sell tickets for.

Once you’re logged into StubHub, start by clicking Sell Tickets in the menu across the top.

Button to sell tickets on StubHub

A search box will appear labelled “Search for Events”. Click in it and type in the name of the event, musician/band, comedian, sports team, etc. that you have tickets for, and then click the magnifying glass icon (or one of the suggestions that appears in the drop-down box).

Search for StubHub events to sell tickets for

3. Select the date and type of tickets that you wish to sell.

Depending on the event, you can sell Event tickets, Parking Passes for an event, or both. Click the respective tab at the top to make your choice. Then, click the check boxes next to the events that you wish to sell tickets for. In some cases, you can click the “Select All” box at the top to list tickets for all events. When you’ve selected all of the events that you wish to list tickets for, click Start Listing.

Select StubHub events to sell tickets for

(NOTE: You will have to repeat the instructions in the proceeding steps for each separate event that you list tickets for.)

4. List the details for your tickets.

The tickets that we have decided to list for sale here permit entry by having their bar codes scanned, so click in the boxes under “Enter Bar Code” and type in the bar code numbers for each ticket that you wish to sell (click More Bar Code if you need more spaces to enter ticket information).

Enter StubHub ticket bar code numbers

When you’re done entering the bar codes for your tickets, click the right arrow on the meter at the bottom of the screen.

Continue the ticket selling process on StubHub

Next, you will have to input seating details for each ticket. Click in the boxes highlighted in the screenshot below and type in the quantity of tickets that you are selling for the event, as well as where in the venue they are located (which may differ depending on the venue). Then click the right arrow on the meter at the bottom of the page again.

Enter StubHub ticket venue seating info

Next, you will have to choose in what allotments to sell your tickets, as well as list any other features. You can choose to sell your tickets:

  • in any allotments, as long as you aren’t left with just one unsold ticket
  • in an allotment size of your choosing (click the box beside the option and type in a number)
  • all at once, in a single order

Click the button beside your choice. Note that some options may not be available depending on how many tickets you are selling.

You can also click the check boxes below here to list features of your tickets that will make them easier to find, such as if they include aisle seats or are in a private box. When you’re done, click the right arrow on the meter at the bottom of the page again.

Choose the allotments in which to sell your StubHub tickets

Finally, you can add any additional information about the tickets that you think will be of use in helping a buyer make their decision, such as relative location in the venue, accessibility, included amenities, and so on. Click either the Disclosures or Comments tab and click the check boxes beside elements that apply to the tickets that you’re selling. (NOTE: elements in the Disclosures section marked with a “*” must be selected).

If you don’t have anything else that you’d like to disclose about your tickets, click the check box beside “None” at the bottom of the table. (Note that you might be charged extra fees or have a sale revoked if you significantly misrepresent your tickets, either by adding false information about them or failing to disclose pertinent information about them.)

When you’re ready to move on, click the right arrow on the meter at the bottom of the page again.

Add disclosures or comments to StubHub tickets

5. Set the prices for your tickets.

Click in the box labelled “Set Your Price” and type in the price that you wish to charge for each individual ticket you are selling for that event. Under “Pricing Info”, you can see how other people have priced tickets on StubHub for the area of the venue that you’re selling tickets for. If you click Help Me Price, a window will pop up with even more detailed information on the pricing and location of all tickets being listed for this event on StubHub. (Click Cancel at the bottom of this window to go back.)

Once you’ve set the price for your ticket(s), StubHub will show you how much money you will get if your tickets sell (after they take off a commission). Click the right arrow on the meter at the bottom of the page to continue.

Set the prices for your StubHub tickets

6. Tell StubHub how you want to get paid.

You have three choices of what to do with the money you get from selling your tickets on StubHub.

  • If you have a PayPal account, click the button beside “Pay Me by PayPal”, and then click in the box beside it and type in the email address associated with your PayPal account.
  • If you don’t have a PayPal account, click the button beside “Send a Check”, and then click the menu beside it and select to make the check out to yourself or your company. Then click Add Details and click in the boxes and menus that appear to enter your first name, last name, company (optional if the check will be made out to you), street address, unit address (optional), city, country, state/province/territory, mailing code, phone number, and phone number extension (if applicable). Then click Done.
  • You can also donate the proceeds from selling your StubHub tickets to charity, if you wish. Click the button beside “Donation”, and then click the drop-down menu that appears and select a charity that StubHub is partnered with.
Select how StubHub will pay you for your tickets

You must also enter your billing information, in case there is a problem with a sale and StubHub needs to mediate a transaction. Click the “+” icon to add new billing information, click the pencil icon to edit the currently selected billing profile, or click the drop-down menu to select a different billing profile (if you have more than one on hand).

When you’ve selected the options that you want, click the right arrow on the meter at the bottom of the page to move on.

7. Review and publish your listings.

StubHub will show you the details of the ticket(s) that you’re listing, how much you’re charging (and earning) per ticket, and how you will be paid if your tickets sell. Click the pencil icon beside any of these elements to go back and change them.

StubHub will also show you when this listing will expire from StubHub. If you click inside the date box, a calendar window will pop up, and you can click on a different date to select it as the new expiry date.

If you need to go back and change anything, click the left arrow on the meter at the bottom of the page. Or, if everything looks good, click List Tickets instead.

List your tickets for sale on StubHub

If your tickets sell, you will receive an email from StubHub with instructions on how to get your tickets to the buyer. Other than that, we’ve covered everything that you need to know in order to sell tickets on StubHub!