3. On the next screen, click Select Files to Upload. This will open an explorer window that will let you search for the file that you wish to upload. When you find it, click on it to select it, and then click Open.
4. You will have to wait for your video to upload and process before you can publish it. In the meantime, you can fill out some basic information about the video. We’ve marked important areas on the screenshot below with red numbers; the corresponding captions below the screenshot have more information on what you can do at each point.
5. If you want to upload more videos to YouTube besides this one, click Add More Videos in the bottom-right corner and repeat steps 3 and 4. Otherwise, click Publish (or Done) in the top-right corner.
6. If you are uploading multiple videos at once, you can click the Privacy Selector drop-down menu at the top of the screen to set the privacy of all of your videos to Public (anyone can see them), Unlisted (others need links to the videos to see them), or Private (others need YouTube accounts AND links to the videos to see them) all at the same time.
You can also click Publish All (or Done With All) to finish making changes to all of your videos at once and put them up on your YouTube channel.
That’s a quick demonstration of how to upload videos to YouTube! So what are you waiting for? Post your creations today, and see how many fans you can get!