A good place to start your search for your ancestors is building the beginnings of a new family tree with what you already know. Start with you, and then fill in as much information as you can about the immediate family that surrounds you. Your information doesn’t have to be perfect; just enter as much as you know, or maybe even a few guesses. Ancestry may be able to help you fill in the blanks later.
Based on the information that you put into your family tree, Ancestry may give you “hints” regarding historical documents it has that may point you to other potential relatives. Of course, the only way to know for sure whether a “hint” is for real or just a dud is by looking at the hard evidence. Type in what you know about a relative — their name, birth date, marriage date, death date, living location, a spouse or other relative… even a guess might be of some help!
When you find something that you think might be relevant, have a look at the actual record and the information about it. If it strikes you as useful, you can save it to look at later, or even add it right to an entry on your family tree!
If you’re stuck, reach out to the community on Ancestry. Someone might be able to give you a hand with using the website, doing genealogical research in general, searching for records efficiently, or deciphering any evidence you’ve found. If you’re looking for something a little more specific, try posting something on the message boards to get help with searching for a relative in a specific geographical area, or a record within a certain database. You can even share and compare your family tree with other users, and see if they have any information or expertise that help you fill in the missing puzzle pieces of your lineage!
The platform even has a store in which you can buy D.N.A. test kits or family tree maker programs, or neat decorative items (such as calendars or posters) that you can use to show off what you find on Ancestry.
Oh, and there’s one other thing that we should mention about Ancestry: it has a library program! If you work for a library or other educational institution, you can purchase a low-cost subscription from a company called ProQuest. “Ancestry Library Edition”, as it’s known, doesn’t have quite as many features as the regular version, but all of your patrons can use it for free instead of buying their own individual subscriptions!
If Ancestry.com sounds like a service that you’d like to try out, work your way through the Ancestry guides on TechLifeUnity.com. They will teach you the basics of using it to trace your family line.