Sometimes, it's nice to just kick back, relax, and read a good book. However, not everyone is the biggest fan of reading, and there are times where you don't have time to sit down and pick up a book. For people like that, there are audiobooks, books in the form of sound files that you can have narrated to you anytime, anywhere. And one of the prime places to get these is Audible. is an online portal for purchasing, downloading, and listening to audiobooks. It allows you to search for or browse a large collection of audiobooks, which you can buy using money or membership credits. You can then listen to those books right on Audible, or download them to your device of choice.
Audible has over 150,000 audiobooks for you to discover, buy, download, and enjoy! From mysteries to history, from romance to science fiction, from self-help to comedy, Audible is sure to have a book that you'll love listening to.
You can listen to audiobooks from Audible right on the Audible website, using the built-in audio player. Or, you can download an app for your mobile device or desktop computer, download your audiobooks, and listen to them on the go.
If you buy a premium membership to Audible, you'll get extra goodies like one or more free books every month. Plus, you can take 30% off the price of any books that you buy with cash! There's also a 30-day free trial option available!
Audible contains audio versions of some of the best-loved timeless classics, as well as newer books that are hot off the printing press. Here's a sample of some of the best-selling books on Audible:
Well, that's a brief introduction to Audible and how it works. The rest of our Audible course will focus on how to buy, download, and listen to books from Audible, including how to create or delete an account. For the moment, though, we'll take a quick look at the costs associated with Audible in our next tutorial.